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You have probably heard the Bible story of David and Goliath in your childhood. If you’re familiar with the story, you know that Goliath was a strong and powerful giant who was without question much more powerful and much larger than David.

He was probably armed with the fiercest weaponry and his looks and position were probably intimidating but despite all that Goliath appeared to have in his favor or going for him, David was still able to bravely stand tall in his presence and defeat him.

Just like David, we are faced with many giants in our lives. Our giants could be within our relationships, with our finances, in our families, with bullies, on our jobs or within ourselves. The giants in our lives may seem intimidating and the thought of overcoming it may seem like too lofty of a goal but just like David, we are equipped with a secret weapon. We are equipped with the power of Christ within us. We can conquer and overcome any feat and any situation that life throws at us. Remember when we talked about life throwing us curveballs? With God on our side, we can knock those curveballs out of the park. We don’t have to cower, shutter, or wobble at the knees when we are faced with giants. We can stand tall.

I recall facing my own giants in various stages of my life. One of the giants that I faced was a giant that was placed in my path at work. This giant was intimidating because of her position of power and her authority over me. This giant had become so intimating for me that my time at that job was miserable. I didn’t feel comfortable being my authentic self. I was reclusive and downright afraid of the backlash or vindication that might have occurred if I rocked the boat or expressed my opinion. Facing this giant made my heart race, my knees wobble and caused unrest within my heart. Although this giant was stifling me and my progression, instead of confidently walking out of the door, my fear caused me to worry about what might happen if I displeased my giant. I began to have thoughts like “maybe she’s well known in the community and will falsely taint my reputation or maybe she’ll find some way to make my life miserable my last days on the job”. My fears ranged from rational to irrational and with each fear, I gave my giant more and more power. I eventually gained the strength to put in a notice to end employment but I almost let that giant put out my glow. I let the intimidation of my giant cause me to forget the inner strength that I possess through Jesus Christ. Romans 8:31 states “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us”.

Some people face the giants of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other mental health disorders. Others may face the giants of addiction, poor self-esteem, or abuse. If you are facing these giants or other types of giants, God has not left you to fight your giants alone. God not only stands with us in the middle of our battle with our giants but he places people and tools in our lives to help us. David did not need a slingshot to defeat Goliath. God is powerful enough that he could have wiped Goliath out without any effort but sometimes God uses ordinary avenues to do extraordinary things. So if you are facing a giant in your life, prayer is an excellent tool to conquer your giants. Prayer is a mighty tool that strengthens your relationship with your creator and provides clarity and strength to defeat whatever giant you are facing. However, be open to the avenues in which God chooses to answer your prayer. God may defeat your Giant instantly and miraculously or he may utilize another avenue. Some of us struggle with giants that have been with us for awhile. Whatever form your giant is in, know that you have the power to challenge it, defeat it and win.


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